
5 money-in-the-bank copywriting secrets
that convert prospects into buyers

Did you catch my first copywriting secret? Before I reveal what it was, stay tuned if you want to learn a few of the copywriting techniques I use to help my clients generate leads today, and gather prospects for tomorrow.

Yes, I’m going to give away a few best practices to demonstrate that I’m a veteran who knows the craft of copywriting. That way, you and I can have a productive discussion about improving your content and driving business.

But first, let me reveal Copywriting Secret Number 1, because we’ve already moved on to Secret Number 2.

1. Write catchy, clear, benefit-driven headlines

Okay, I tricked you, but it made the point, didn’t it? You see, great headlines (and subheads) cast a spell, pulling you in because they seem to have figured out what you want to know. And then the copy that follows serves up the benfit in customer-centric language (that’s Number 3; more on that later).

Which makes the first rule of effective copywriting creating compelling, intuitive headlines. I could write a book on that topic alone, but let me share the starting point for every great headline you’ve ever read. I’ve written THOUSANDS of eye-catching headlines for ads, blogs, books, white papers and web pages. And I can do it for you, no matter what business you’re in. Here’s the starting point.

2. Know and use your USP – Unique Selling Proposition

Although I discussed this earlier on my landing page, we’re covering it again. Because it’s that important.

Our first task together is to find and mobilize your USP. We need to agree on your value and how to express it. By that I mean the core service or product your business offers that people need, want, or crave. What your brand stands for, and how it connects your audience to what you sell.

As a result, my USP is knowing how to use words to get people to act. Whether it’s reading to the next page. Downloading a white paper. Purchasing a product. Or retaining a brand impression that will turn into a sale later. 

However, a big reason why I’ve been a successful copywriter and marketer for more than 20 years, and have worked for both Fortune 100 companies and small businesses, is that I’ve mastered Copywriting Secret Number 3, stone cold.

3. Write the way your prospects speak

Even college professors and Shakespeare scholars use short sentences and everyday language. That’s because people are naturally conversational, not formal. Want proof? Study a few of your texts. Eavesdrop. Read pro direct response copy and you’ll see that we talk in sentence fragments. Like this one. People are colorful and often entertaining. Which is how you should write to your prospects. 

Of course,  you should violate grammar, cuss, or use clichés. 

But blogs, websites and ad campaigns are not white papers. In contrast, when I ghostwrite or edit a white paper, those, too, will be the as readable and engaging as possible. Free of confusing jargon or overly complicated sentence structure. The scientists and tech nerds I work with want clean, interesting content that leads readers through their prose. Finally leading us to Secret Number 4.

4. Every sentence leads your reader to read the next one

And the one after that, because the goal of great copywriting is to guide people to a Call to Action (CTA). Novelists know this, which is why they built suspense into their stories.

• Will the love interests ever kiss?
• Does the hero know the murderer is in the next room?
• How will Harry Potter (_______fill in the blank)?

The goal is to get you to the next chapter, word by word, sentence by sentence.

Consequently, our goal is to lead you the next CTA or subhead. If I’ve gotten you this far, I hope that demonstrates my point, and why we should have a no-obligation conversation about your content. 

5. Employ a compelling Call-to-Action

It’s the moment of truth. And if we drop the ball here — game over. What separates copy that converts from copy that fails is a compelling CTA. People are busy. And distracted by all the other CTAs, devices and engaging cat videos they could be watching. So, figure out your offer. Test it and refine.

Here’s mine. SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONTENT AUDIT. Once I determine that you’re a serious prospect, I’ll review any page of your copy, up to 250 words, at no cost. That includes:

     • Website copy
     • White paper text
     • Blog Post
     • Book or eBook
     • Newsletter
     • Email
     • Business proposal

I’ll evaluate your copy’s readability, grammar, SEO, and sales strength. FREE. So, let’s talk. 

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